I've released a new version of Nimble Commander - v1.4.
Main changes in this release are the following:
- Updated for macOS Ventura.
- Now supports opening compressed non-archived files with these extensions: .bz2, .gz, .lz, .lz4, .lzma, .lzo, .xz, .z, .zst.
- Find Files and (De-)Select by Mask now both support masks based on regular expressions.
- Reformatted the UI of the Find Files dialog to make it more laconic.
- Themes are now following the current macOS appearance, automatically switching between the two selected themes whenever the system-wide appearance changes. That's configurable and can be disabled. By default, the built-in "Light" and "Dark" themes are selected.
- Added two new hotkeys: Shift+Cmd+Left/Right to focus the left/right panel.
- Now scrolling caused by keypresses is instantaneous by default for both Brief and List presentation modes. The "filePanel.presentation.smoothScrolling" config setting controls this behaviour.
- Batch Rename now picks a longest filename to select a range of characters from.
- Improved the robustness of in-place renaming, that fixes the situations when a filesystem change discarded the in-place editor.
- Improved the robustness of the filesystem notifications handling. Now NC tries to rely on system notifications whenever possible but also keeps a backup in case the events don't come.
- Now switching to a Single-Pane mode and then back to Dual-Pane mode preserves the proportion between the panels.
- Fixed an issue with moving items into the ".." directory.
- Fixed a performance degradation when calculating directories sizes in a massive listing.
- Fixed an issue with dragging a file into NC when a Full Disk Access was not granted, which could end up in an error.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect horizontal alignment of a scroller in the Brief presentation mode.
- Fixed the visual glitches in the Dark mode caused by transparency of the List view headers.
- Cmd-Backspace no longer moves an item to Trash when its being renamed via in-place filename editor.
- Fixed a visual glitch of wrongly truncated filenames being when they could fit entirely.
- Fixed an issue with WebDAV that the MOVE request wasn't conforming to the RFC and could fail on some servers.
- Fixed an issue that cloud-based file providers caused huge resources consumption when browsing these directories.
- Improved the consistency of the custom hotkeys handling. Now non-menu actions rely on hotkey characters instead of key codes as previously.
- Fixed an issue with the built-in terminal that is didn't support custom shells that are relative symlinks.
- Fixed a visual glitch when Brief Mode wasn’t displaying items until manually scrolled.
- Fixed a sporadic deadlock in the native VFS happened when setting up listeners to notifications of the filesystem events.
- Fixed a QuickLook crash when switching between some PDF files.
- Fixed a UI crash that could happen when filenames contain newline symbols.
- Many other fixes, improvements and optimizations.
Thanks for your ongoing support!
With regards,