Classic Mode

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Re: Classic Mode

Post by mike » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:45 pm

Guys, lets revive this thread, since there's already something so discuss!
This is the first preview build with Classic mode implemented as a theme for new UI:
( precautions mentioned here are still actual )
And hell, it was tricky to stick it all together :)
So, it would be great if you check this, say, Classic Mode Light or Classic Mode 2.0, as I desperately need external opinions here.
Specifically, some areas to discuss:
- what do you think about this "frameless" appearance?
- what do you think on smooth (not discrete as previously) scrolling and bounds changing?
- what do you think about regular system fonts rendering (as it differs a bit from a handcrafted algorithms used before)?
- what do you think about drawing file icons in this theme?
Screen Shot 2017-01-10 at 22.26.01.png
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Re: Classic Mode

Post by JayB » Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:28 pm

* frameless appearance looks better; before finding out about NC, I tested FastCommander – –, and I didn't like the frames then either
* scrolling behavior seems fine
* on my system NC classic seems to be using Menlo, and currently we can't switch fonts, right? I'd like to test SF Mono first, but with Menlo anti-aliasing seems to be a bit over the top (?)
* I think file icons are necessary

Would be great to be able to load theme sets like in FastCommander.

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Re: Classic Mode

Post by sasha » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:08 pm

Classic mode looks great in general, good work. Sure, real ASCII frames etc would kick ass, but this comes close and is very functional imho.
mike wrote: - what do you think about this "frameless" appearance?
Looks good to me.
mike wrote: - what do you think on smooth (not discrete as previously) scrolling and bounds changing?
I like smooth scrolling in general. It's much easier to keep track.
mike wrote: - what do you think about regular system fonts rendering (as it differs a bit from a handcrafted algorithms used before)?
Looks good enough for me.
mike wrote: - what do you think about drawing file icons in this theme?
I think they are necessary, I wouldn't consider using this without icons.

It looks like NC is heading towards themes :) My personal opinion: before spending a lot of time here, there are more pressing issues (like undo support). Anyway, fantastic work with the redesign so far, Mike.

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Re: Classic Mode

Post by moonrak » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:08 pm

Agree with the comments of the previous posters.
Looks and feels nice, though dark mode is luring me to the "dark side".

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Re: Classic Mode

Post by mike » Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:57 am

Thanks for your opinions guys, it's a great relief for me!

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Re: Classic Mode

Post by mike » Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:01 am

JayB wrote:* on my system NC classic seems to be using Menlo, and currently we can't switch fonts, right? I'd like to test SF Mono first, but with Menlo anti-aliasing seems to be a bit over the top (?)
You can, but with some fiddling, just copy the theme definition file (like xxx.json) from app bundle to app support directory and make necessary changes there.

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Re: Classic Mode

Post by mike » Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:05 am

JayB wrote: I'd like to test SF Mono first
Since this question might arise after uploading the next preview build (with customization UI), I'll post a note on this font ahead:
"SF Mono" is not a system font. You cannot select SF Mono outside of Terminal, Console and Xcode because it is not installed to the system.
If the user has manually installed the font, it can be found with family name SF Mono, or the font name SFMono-Regular (similar for the other weights). ... nt-sf-mono
