The details, with extra information for people who are not familiar with Chinese language:
macOS offers several order rules for sorting Chinese characters, as showing in the left side of the image, among which the Pinyin sort order is the most popular because it's in generally consistent with the pronunciation AND the English alphabet order. I intentionally uses three files to demonstrate it, and the second part of the filename (fei, shan, yi) is the Pinyin for the Chinese Character. In the correct examples of ForkLift and Path Finders, the order by name of the first Chinese character is consistent with the English letters in Pinyin, that is, the order of f-s-y in descending order.
In other words, as a developer, you don't need to learn Chinese to determine the right sorting order. If the order of the English letter is right, then the order of the Chinese character is right too. So here's the filenames for your testing.
Code: Select all
飞 fei.txt
山 shan.txt
艺 yi.txt
Thank you in advance for considering this bug.